Trending Now: Bad Parent Sightings
Dear That’s Life, Trust me when I tell you I have never said anything that remotely important which resulted in numerous rocket-fire comments as did a comment I posted on Facebook. It is not that I wrote something so off-color, inappropriate or outrageous which would warrant a public flogging. In fact, and thank G-d, the flogging [...]
Owen and Larry, Thanks for Coming
Dear That’s Life, For better or for worse, throughout my life, I have been able to talk my way into and out of various situations. Whether a speeding ticket or a free dessert, often the people I may be with at that particular moment wish I would just remain silent. Oh well, if wishing only [...]
Um, That’s My Bag
Dear That’s Life For normal people, the excitement of a vacation begins when they arrive at their destination. I said ‘Normal people’. For me, I don’t even have to leave the airport let alone make it to the hotel before having something to write. There’s a great moment in “Ocean’s Eleven” right before Matt Damon [...]
Is There a Doctor on Board?
Dear That’s Life, It should not be that hard to get on a plane and have a quiet, uneventful flight. People do it all the time. And if it is not at all that difficult, why can’t that happen to me? That’s because crazy follows me everywhere – even 40,000 feet into the air. Hatzolah [...]
Crazy Even Follows Me to LAX
Dear That’s Life, Having a big mouth has its pluses and its minuses. I don’t mean ‘big mouth’ as in ‘incapable of keeping a secret,’ because after carrying twins full term and not telling my family nor community, I have clearly proven otherwise. Rather, it is the ‘gift of gab’, being able to talk myself [...]
A Fond Farewell
Dear That’s Life, This article is the first thing ever written on my new netbook. I had not intended on replacing my laptop, upgrading as the case may be. When the hard drive on my laptop died, however, taking all of my information along with it, making this purchase was less of a luxury and [...]
First Time, Long Time
Dear That’s Life, No: I did not fall off the face of the earth. No: I did not forget that I have a blog which needs to be updated regularly. No: Life has not been boring, leaving without anything to share. Yes: My hard drive crashed, I lost all of my data and have been [...]
Thanks for Calling. Buh Bye.
Dear That’s Life, For a short time while I was in college, I had a job making cold calls for a real estate broker. My job was to go through his stack of index cards, incomplete with only a name and number, and offer an alternative location for his/her business. It was thankless, boring and often [...]
A Hug from Beyond
Dear That’s Life, Having a blog is often a strange experience, as it does not always enter my frame of reference that there are people who read it whom I have never met. Every once in a while, someone I do not know posts a comment and I wonder why that person has decided to [...]
Nothin’ But Net
Dear That’s Life, While we were not amidst the sea of ’Hangover 2’ viewers last weekend, my son was one of the reasons ‘Kung Fu Panda 2’ did so well, seeing it twice in three days. A group of boys went on Friday after school in honor of someone’s birthday, accounting for his first viewing. The [...]