Never Left Dodge
Dear That’s Life,
The “go-bags” are at the door, flashlights ready and all of our outdoor furniture has been brought inside. Religiously monitoring Irene’s track as she goes up the east coast, we did not leave our home despite the call for a mandatory evacuation of this area. “I AM emergency services,” said my husband, his car equipped with lights and sirens, Hatzolah bags prepped in case of emergency. While still contemplating leaving even at this late hour, it is hard to make an informed decision when on the one hand Nassau County police are going door to door telling people to leave and on the other hand, my husband, and a group of auxiliary police, are on Central Avenue buying pizza.
We decided to wait out the storm at home, though an emergency evacuation plan is still in effect. If need be, my husband’s office is going to serve as our safe house, as it is located north of Sunrise Highway. True to form, he has stocked both our home and his office with necessities. Purchases include inflatable mattresses, plenty of canned foods – even walkie-taklies so we can stay in touch with family still in the area once the power goes out. I was charged with other areas of preparation including food, candles and, of course, in-flight entertainment. All electronics have been charged, crayons and paper are in a bag and new movies have even been loaded on my ipad. Most importantly, however, my newest playlist is ready for action. While I had completed the hurricane playlist in, what I thought, was record time, it was no match for this evening’s project.
Once I was alerted to the tornado watch for the Five Boroughs, Nassau and Suffolk counties, the hurricane playlist from yesterday seems to be, well, SO yesterday. It was time for a tornado appropriate list, and there was not a moment to lose. I turned to my trusted Facebook friends, knowing that in my time of need, my nearest and dearest 200+ friends would help.
Within what seemed like seconds, the selections flooded in (pun certainly intended). Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “You Spin Me Right Round, Baby” (credited to Flo’ Rida, though we know the truth) were quick to be posted. I added, “Defying Gravity” from the Wicked soundtrack while my friend Batsheva suggested the Scorpions’ “Winds of Change”. Kesha’s “This Place is About to Blow”, Jonsi’s “Tornado” and the Byrd’s “Turn, Turn, Turn” all took prominent positions. While I would otherwise never allow it, Bette Middler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings” made the list simply because, well, it belonged there. Same thing is true for Chubby Checker’s “Let’s Do the Twist” and “Rider on the Storm,” as I am not a Doors fan. Kansas’s “Dust in the Wind” and Prince’s “Purple Rain” joined the ranks, and the playlist really began to take form.
Even as this conversation was going on, people are wondering whether they were crazy for sticking around. “Should I Stay or Should I Go Now” by the Clash, therefore, made perfect sense to add, while REO Speedwagon’s “Time for Me to Fly” is next on the list. To round out the conversation, Water Music by Handel was offered, which the judges readily accepted as a valid contribution. And for all of the wild weather we have been having in this area, Billy Joel’s “I Go to Extremes” and “There’s a Storm Front Comin’”, in addition to Rihanna’s “Warning” were all added, any of which could have been used as a title for the three lists made in the past five days.
At the end of the evening, with WCBS 880 on in the background, there are a total of 64 posts for my playlist, beating my previous best of 42. The lights in my home have started to flicker, my friend around the corner already without power for close to an hour. Votives are lit as I type although the lights are still on, knowing that won’t be forever. Tomorrow will be a very long day, and I tired just thinking about it, but I can hear my daughter singing, “Rain, Rain, Go Away” as she looked out the window this afternoon and it makes me smile. I can only imagine what she may be singing tomorrow. If she’s at a loss for a suggestion, there will be nothing to fear: my playlist will be close at hand.
Come on Irene: let’s dance.