Flying with Kids (and Without a ‘Chute)
Dear That’s Life, No one wants to be the hated family on a flight. We’ve all been there. The flight when your baby screams for what seems to be a lifetime, with lung capacity rivaling that of opera singers. When everyone stares at you, wondering why you cannot get your child to be quiet, deciding [...]
A Moving City
Dear That’s Life, Taking a long flight overseas requires a certain amount of guts and copious amounts of patience. Akin to a flying city, all of its citizens have signed up in exchange for safe passage to a particular destination. Confined to a small space but with enough room to move around, there are clear [...]
Yup – She’s Ours
Dear That’s Life, It is unclear why I am still surprised by what my kids say. They are, in fact, my children, capable of anything. “Out of the mouths of babes” and “Kids say the darndest things” applies here on a daily basis. Somehow, their comments reflect their personalities. “I hope you wrote that one [...]
Excuse Me, Are You Jewish?
Dear That’s Life, There is often a comfort in numbers – a benefit to having shared the same experience with others. While I appreciate that my kids are not the only children to engage in the following behavior, it does not make me feel better to know that your child does this, too. And though [...]
Chocolate is Not a Food Group
Dear That’s Life, It takes a true sadist, or nutcase, to diet during the holidays. As usual, I qualify for both categories. As I seem to be starring in a food version of “Temptation Island,” the promise to start my diet “tomorrow” has passed through my lips almost as often as the cookies I have [...]
Apples, Ice Cream and Laughter
Dear That’s Life, No matter what holiday you celebrate, we all have traditions. They take the form of a favorite set of dishes, kept tucked away for special occasions, or a seasonal recipe, made at a particular time of year. Whatever the case may be, when you see those items, your home is transported and [...]