Ipads Cannot Fly

Posted by mwallach on November 27, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, While two things one can always count on are death and taxes, I would like to add something else to that list: gravity. If I stand at my desk and drop a pencil, ten out of ten times, the pencil will fall. Tried and true, gravity is dependable and can be relied [...]


“Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Give Them Back”

Posted by mwallach on November 27, 2011 in Happy Holidays, My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Thanksgiving is honestly one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy the preparation, the table decorations and the gathering of friends and loved ones. Unlike all of the other holidays I celebrate, the qualifications for partaking in this one are simply that I am an American. Faith and religion aside, roasting a turkey [...]

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