“That’s Life” live on Thursdays @2pm, www.nachumsegal.com

“That’s Life” was created about five years ago after having numerous conversations with Mayer Fertig, the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief at The Jewish Star at that time. I told him I had an idea for a feature in the paper which would resemble the NYT’s Metropolitan Diary.  He said he had been thinking about something just like that – and did I want to write it.  With just a feeling in his gut and an offer I could not refuse, “MLW” and the column were born. 

After leaving The Jewish Star, the column can now be found every week in The Shore Standard at www.standardli.com.

The radio show “That’s Life, with Miriam L. Wallach” premiers today, July 14, 2011, at 2pm ET on www.nachumsegal.com. Listen live – and then email me – tell her how it went, what you liked and what you think can be improved.To listen to archived shows, you can copy and paste the following link: http://www.nachumsegal.com/archive.cfm?view=2&personality=57630. She can be reached at miriam@dearthatslife.com.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. That’s Life.

Today @ 2pm ET, it’s Miriam L. Wallach and another exciting edition of “That’s
Life” – CEO of the Metropolitan Council on Poverty William Rapfogel joins Miriam
in the studio. Plus Dr. Scott Goldberg with another installment of the
“Teachable Moments” segment – today’s topic: the parent/teacher partnership. And
as always, the craziest thing to happen to Miriam this week. All this and more @
2pm only on the stream @ nachumsegal.com


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