Hurricane Miriam. Literally.

Posted by mwallach on September 28, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, There is much preparation done for Yom Kippur, despite the fact that the holiday is food-free. Getting in the correct mind-set to face one’s Maker on the holiest day of the year is not something to take lightly. Entering the sanctuary, with people dressed in white and the fast having just started, [...]


Bang Your Head Here

Posted by mwallach on August 24, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Sunday’s events would have made for a great column. I had adamantly and furiously insisted my husband wear a tuxedo to a wedding I was convinced was “black tie,” only to arrive at the hall and see that only he, and the wait staff, were dressed alike. It was not one of [...]


Once in a Lifetime? Not.

Posted by mwallach on August 24, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, It is official: the summer is over. It might sound harsh, and you may not have wanted to hear it, but it is the truth. Do not let the humidity or the heat fool you. All the plans I had for my summer are over and each conversation I have about the [...]


“Smoking Gun…or Knife”

Posted by mwallach on August 10, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, In the interest of full disclosure, I would like to reassure everyone – including members of the TSA – that I have no additional travel plans for months. The longest journey I expect to take for a while is from Long Island to my office in Jersey City, and even that I [...]


Is This Your Bag?

Posted by mwallach on August 2, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That Life, A friend of mine who travels often has a firm belief when it comes to going through security at the airport. Whatever they ask of him, he does. Though it might make no sense and may be an inconvenience, he knows that it is ultimately for his own good. The TSA agents [...]


Every Man for Himself

Posted by mwallach on May 25, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, My brother has an expression. “It’s bad for the Jews,” he says, referring to anything ranging from Iran’s increasing nuclear capability to Mel Gibson to an outfit I may wear that he does not like. His famous words, however, were the first that came to mind after the news hit last Wednesday, [...]


Dude, Where’s My Car?

Posted by mwallach on May 11, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Months in the making, I was finally able to complete a half marathon last Sunday, along with thousands of other runners participating in the Long Island Marathon. After logging plenty of hours and miles, running 13.1 miles went a lot faster and more easily than I expected. My joints did not hurt [...]


“Cuz It’s Not My Time”

Posted by mwallach on April 29, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Never lacking material, my column was basically done before this morning’s events, most of which were covered on the local news. Whether I write about my children or the general wackiness of my life, I have been blessed with both a good sense of humor and numerous anecdotes worth sharing. It is [...]


I Should Stick My Finger Where???

Posted by mwallach on March 30, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere, New Yorkers

Dear That’s Life, While this might be strange, I took several pictures of my cup of iced coffee last week and sent it to friends. It was not a particularly exciting cup nor was it supersized or keg like. It was just a cup of iced coffee like many I have had before, but this [...]


TMI – Part II

Posted by mwallach on March 23, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Several weeks ago I wrote a column about activities people preformed in public that are better off kept private. Not included were public displays of affection, of which I am generally a fan, until it is no longer socially acceptable. It seemed I had generally covered a range of topics that many [...]



Posted by mwallach on March 16, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, It is a fact that more than once I have started this column with the words, “Even for me: this is a good one.” While I might have believed that the last time I wrote it, I do not know why I tend to doubt the insanity of my own life. Each [...]


You Need a Lifestyle Change

Posted by mwallach on March 13, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, I have been recently warned by a number of physicians that I have to change my lifestyle. I find that advice particularly humorous in light of certain factors. I workout at least six days a week and am at an acceptable weight for my height and age. I eat no meat, opt [...]


Sweet Dreams?

Posted by mwallach on March 9, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Before I even begin this article, I want you to know that I am completely fine. Thank G-d, my health scare last week was just that – a scare. I appreciate the care and concern from all those who knew and want to personally thank the medical professionals involved in my case. [...]


Private Pratices

Posted by mwallach on February 27, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere, New Yorkers

Dear That’s Life, I am one of those who spreads her stuff across multiple tables in local coffee shops, treating someone else’s place of business like my own personal office. Currently occupying a number of chairs with my bags and coat, it might look to a normal passerby as if I am here for the [...]


Party Rockers in the Car Tonight

Posted by mwallach on January 17, 2012 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, Whether you have just come back from winter break, have not left yet or are past the stage in life when you planned a family trip around the school calendar, you know it is not a simple process. Besides the coordination of different schedules and tending to the needs of each child, [...]


“I’ll Behave, I Promise”

Posted by mwallach on December 23, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, It goes without saying that I try to find humor in all aspects of life. Sarcasm, my default setting, often gets me through challenging or difficult situations that could otherwise leave me in tears. That said, I do appreciate that while it may often be entertaining, even humor has its time and [...]


“How May I Help You?”

Posted by mwallach on December 8, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life With the voluntary filing of Chapter 11 by the parent company of American Airlines, recent talking heads bemoaned the state of air travel in the US. “It is hell on earth,” commented one contributor to an early morning show I avidly watch. The host of the program, however, cited Jet Blue as [...]


Ipads Cannot Fly

Posted by mwallach on November 27, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, While two things one can always count on are death and taxes, I would like to add something else to that list: gravity. If I stand at my desk and drop a pencil, ten out of ten times, the pencil will fall. Tried and true, gravity is dependable and can be relied [...]


Hello, My Name is…

Posted by mwallach on November 9, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, The naming of a child is not something to be taken lightly, and rightfully so. It is not a creative writing assignment. The name upon which a child is bestowed shapes who he is as an individual, sticking with him for life. I know the care and consideration my husband and I [...]


Flying with Kids (and Without a ‘Chute)

Posted by mwallach on October 28, 2011 in Crazy Follows Me Everywhere

Dear That’s Life, No one wants to be the hated family on a flight. We’ve all been there. The flight when your baby screams for what seems to be a lifetime, with lung capacity rivaling that of opera singers. When everyone stares at you, wondering why you cannot get your child to be quiet, deciding [...]

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