Life Has Not Changed a Bit

Posted by mwallach on March 11, 2013 in My Kids, New To You

Dear That’s Life, There is a comfort in knowing that crazy still follows me everywhere, even after 5 months of radio silence. I know: I have been rather delinquent about posting to my blog. And I apologize. But thanks to recent events, I have made time to actually sit down at my computer and do [...]


The Shy and Petite Elf

Posted by mwallach on September 28, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, I have been called a lot of things over the years, some of which I can put in print and some of which I cannot. Either way, no matter what someone has said, I have never been referred to as “shy” nor have I been called “petite” and certainly not “dainty”. Leave [...]


Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

Posted by mwallach on July 27, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, There is something about landing in Tel Aviv with a group of 35 Jews who have never been to Israel before and having them welcomed in German because we flew Lufthansa. There is also something to landing in Munich on a stopover to Tel Aviv with a group of 35 Jews who [...]


It’s Not Over Yet

Posted by mwallach on July 24, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, With my oldest three children in sleep away camp, our home is quite different during the summer. I would say it is quieter, but that would be an exaggeration. I will say that the house settles down earlier in the day than it usually does, as my younger three children go to [...]


Vocabulary Lesson

Posted by mwallach on July 6, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, A close friend of mine recently put his oldest on the bus to sleep away camp. This was their first time sending a child away to camp and it was initially unclear who was going to fall apart first – the parents or the child. Within a few minutes, however, the winner [...]


The Future of America

Posted by mwallach on July 5, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Like many college students, I changed my major a number of times. Always within the same genre, they were more like minor corrections rather than drastic career changes. It was not as if I was a biology major only to decide that art history was really my calling. Some people aspire to [...]


A Good Time Had by Most

Posted by mwallach on June 8, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, As time goes by, it becomes harder and harder to recall the details of moments past. One of the first memories I can remember with great clarity, however, is my 3rd birthday party. Old pictures help bring me back to the green shirt I was wearing, blowing out the candles and opening [...]


Bye, Bye Baby

Posted by mwallach on June 4, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Under the heading of “Parenthood,” there are few things funnier than toilet training. That is not to say that there are not other funny things about being parents, as most of my material comes straight from my experience as a mom. All I can tell you, however, is that this time around, [...]


Happy Holidays

Posted by mwallach on May 18, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, At the start of my weekly radio show, I make mention of national holidays taking place that day. You would be surprised to hear about some of the organizations that have applied for and been granted national days of celebration. A few weeks ago, it was National Paranormal Day. I suggested that [...]


Schooled By My Daughter

Posted by mwallach on May 6, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Originally called “Bring Your Daughters to Work” Day the initiative began as a chance for girls to visit places of work held by their parents in an effort to introduce them to different careers and opportunities. The day was then renamed “Bring Your Children to Work” Day as it seemed, for the [...]


Our Perfect #6

Posted by mwallach on May 1, 2012 in My Kids, New To You

Dear That’s Life, It seemed when she was born, she was the perfect #6. Amenable to everything, never talked back and simply happy being held, I took her where ever I went. She was the cutest accessory known to mankind. Even after schlepping through the Magic Kingdom when she was about a year old and [...]


When You Wish Upon A Star

Posted by mwallach on April 23, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, It had been too long since something crazy happened that I thought I was losing my touch. I worried crazy was no longer followed me everywhere and this column was going to fall apart. Two weeks had elapsed since I wrote and nary a nutty thing had happened, which to some was [...]


And NOW They Listen?!

Posted by mwallach on April 14, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, In the 1890s, Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov conducted an experiment. Using dogs, he repeatedly presented the animals with two stimuli which, because of their proximity to each other, were eventually seen by his subjects as one. The ringing of the bell and the presentation of food were initially presented apart, with first [...]


“Unleash Tim Tebow”

Posted by mwallach on February 17, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, While she is an incredibly talented singer, I have declared my car to be an “Adele-Free Zone.” Completely overplayed and poorly remixed, it took very little time for my tolerance level to register as FULL from all of the air time she receives. That is not to say she isn’t talented – [...]

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Time to impact: five…four…

Posted by mwallach on February 12, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life I thought it would be a disaster, as if an asteroid was travelling at break neck speed on its way to earth. Exact time of impact known, I braced myself for the hit and prepared for the worst. The house was well stocked with necessities and as the clocked ticked down, I [...]


Pizza and Pasta and Poached Eggs – Oh, My!

Posted by mwallach on January 26, 2012 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, While some do not appreciate children’s literature as a true genre, they would be sadly mistaken. Out of the classics, cult favorites and timeless literary choices I have read over the years, my all-time favorite is Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham.” It is perfectly written, with a cadence so characteristically “Dr. [...]


Men of Few Words

Posted by mwallach on January 4, 2012 in My Kids, New To You

Dear That’s Life, As a parent, there are numerous stages in a child’s development that register in my memory as seminal moments. A first step, a solo in the school play or a child’s first night sleeping out of the house all serve as major milestones, each with their own significance. And while we are [...]


Silver Belles

Posted by mwallach on December 13, 2011 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, A recent article in Prevention magazine caught my eye. It highlighted the beauty of gray hair, citing the numerous actors and celebrities, men and women alike, who wear their silver with pride, using it as a sign of strength rather than something they wish to cover. Having grown up my entire life [...]


“Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Give Them Back”

Posted by mwallach on November 27, 2011 in Happy Holidays, My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Thanksgiving is honestly one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy the preparation, the table decorations and the gathering of friends and loved ones. Unlike all of the other holidays I celebrate, the qualifications for partaking in this one are simply that I am an American. Faith and religion aside, roasting a turkey [...]


Lessons in Love from Kim

Posted by mwallach on November 11, 2011 in My Kids

Dear That’s Life, Much has been said of the Kardashian marriage/wedding debacle. I call it that because marriage is not a sprint – it is a marathon. Anyone who is not in it for the long run should not be in it at all. Maybe Kim’s marriage should be called a spectacle, rather than qualifying [...]

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